Thursday, 27 October 2011

The Secret Memory Game

The Secret Memory Game

Move yourself onto a higher frequency with The Secret Memory Game!

How to play

  1. Click and flip the cards in pairs to reveal images from The Secret movie. As you match two cards they will stay open.
  2. Keep flipping and matching until you have turned over all of the cards. The more cards you match, the easier it becomes!
  3. When you've matched all of the cards, check your number of tries, and then match that number with an inspiration from The Secret below.
By the law of attraction, your number of tries will match the exact and perfect message for you in your life right now.

Match Your Game Score with A Quote Below

18.When we are feeling happy on the inside, law of attraction is matching up the inside of us, and bringing unlimited happiness to us. Law of attraction says, “Like attracts like”. We have to be the exact state on the inside of what we want to bring on the outside. You can’t complain and be miserable and expect your life to change. In that state you are attracting more misery to yourself. You have to be the ‘like’ that you want to attract.

19.To create the life of your dreams, the time has come for you to love You. Focus on Your joy. Do all the things that make You feel good. Love You, inside and out. Everything will change in your life, when you change the inside of you. Allow the Universe to give you every good thing you deserve, by being a magnet to them all. To be a magnet for every single thing you deserve, you must be a magnet of love.

20.Focus on the beauty of our world, and on how magnificent it is. As more and more people appreciate the beauty and focus on the beauty, our planet will receive that energy and we will see the beauty manifesting everywhere.

21.After you ask for what you want, if you think that You have to make it happen, you will experience feelings of doubt. Those feelings of doubt are telling you the ‘how’ is not your job. Your job is to feel your dream inside. Then the Universe will move people, circumstances, and events to bring about your dream. You have the intelligence of the Universe permeated in every cell of your body. The activation of this almighty power of all good comes through your awareness of it. The moment you are aware that it is within you, you have consciously activated the greatest power in the Universe to work through you.

22.You are now receiving the knowledge that will enable you to create the most magnificent version of You. The possibility of that version of you already exists on the frequency of “the most magnificent version of You.” Decide what you want to be, do and have, think the thoughts of it, emit the frequency, and your vision will become your life.

23.There is a mighty power in your heart. To experience this power firsthand, the next time you are in a conversation with somebody, imagine that your words are coming from your heart, rather than your mind. While speaking, stay focused on your words coming from your heart. As you do this you will feel a wave of utter bliss move through you. As you become practiced, you will see the effect of your heart on the person you are speaking with. The power of your heart will also reach many others, as nothing can get in the way of its powerful radiation.

24.You can create anything you want, but to do that you must follow the principles of the law. Eliminate all doubt and replace it with the full expectation that you will receive what you are asking for. If you are not receiving what you are asking for, it is not the law that has failed. It means that your doubt is greater than your faith.

25.As money comes to you, it must flow through you like the flow of a river, or the flow of money will stop. Be the flow!

26.Competition is a form of separation. First, when you have thoughts of competition, it is coming from a lack mentality, as you are saying there is a limited supply. You are saying there is not enough for everybody, so we have to compete and fight to get things. By the law of attraction, as you compete you will attract many people, circumstances, and events to compete against You in every single aspect of your life. For your own wellbeing, you have to get competition out of your mind and become a creative mind. Focus only on your dreams, your visions and being the best that You can be!

27.How it will happen, how the Universe will bring it to you, is not your concern or job. Allow the Universe to do it for you. When you are trying to work out how it will happen, you are emitting a frequency that contains a lack of faith – that you don’t believe you have it already. You think you have to do it and you do not believe the Universe will do it for you. The how is not your part in the Creative Process.

28.Most people feel powerless to help others, when in fact every single human being has a power within them that, when directed properly, will help beyond anything else. You can direct this power by focusing on people in difficult situations being in joy, by imagining them in joy right now. Hold to the outcome of joy for them. By doing this, you will cause the unfathomable Creative Power to move through you to bring them joy.

29.Failure only comes from a person not applying the law correctly. The law never fails.

30.Every single human being is meant to be in joy. It is our natural state, and we know it, because when we feel negative emotions we feel terrible. We want to be happy. And the biggest thing to realize is that happiness is a choice, because it is a feeling generated from the inside of us. We have to make a decision to be happy on the inside now, to magnetize a life of happiness on the outside.

31.There is not a single instance in history where hate has brought joy to human beings. It is a negative force that serves only to destroy those who hold it in their mind and body. If the majority of humanity released all hate, fear, and resentment, wars would disappear from our planet.

32.To restore harmony into a relationship, focus on what you appreciate about the other person, and not your complaints. When you focus on the wonderful things and you appreciate those, you will be astounded at how many more things to appreciate suddenly appear in the other person.

33.Disease is held in the body by thought, by observation of the illness, and by the attention given to the illness. If you are feeling a little unwell, don’t talk about it – unless you want more of it. If you listen to people talk about their illness, you add energy to their illness. Instead, change the conversation to good things, and give powerful thoughts to seeing those people in health.

34.All stress begins with one negative thought. One thought that went unchecked, and then more thoughts came and more, until stress manifested. The effect is stress, but the cause was negative thinking, and it all began with one little negative thought. No matter what you might have manifested, you can change it … with one small positive thought and then another.

35.The only reason any person does not have enough money is because they are blocking money from coming to them with their thoughts. Every negative thought, feeling or emotion is blocking your good from coming to you, and that includes money. It is not that the money is being kept from you by the Universe, because all the money you require exists right now in the invisible. If you do not have enough, it is because you are stopping the flow of money coming to you, and you are doing that with your thoughts. You must tip the balance of your thoughts from lack-of-money to more-than-enough-money. Think more thoughts of abundance than of lack, and you have tipped the balance.

36.If you are complaining, the law of attraction will powerfully bring into your life more situations for you to complain about. If you are listening to someone else complain and focusing on that, sympathizing with them, agreeing with them, in that moment, you are attracting more complaining situations to yourself!

37.Think thoughts of perfection. Illness cannot exist in a body that has harmonious thoughts. Know there is only perfection, and as you observe perfection you must summon that to you. Imperfect thoughts are the cause of all humanity’s ills, including disease, poverty, and unhappiness. When we think negative thoughts we are cutting ourselves off from our rightful heritage. Declare and intend, “I think perfect thoughts. I see only perfection. I am perfection.”

38.Wherever you go, whoever you meet, and whatever you do, give love and appreciation, because that is your true nature. How do you know it is your true nature? You feel so good when you are giving it!

39.Do you think you can? You can achieve and do anything you want with this knowledge. In the past you may have underestimated how brilliant you are. Well, now you know you are the Supreme Mind and that you can draw anything you want from that One Supreme Mind. Any invention, any inspiration, any answer, anything. You can do anything you want. You are a genius beyond description. So start telling yourself that and become aware of who you really are.

40.Whatever you choose for You is right! You cannot get it wrong. If you have chosen something for You, it is right! You cannot fail. It is impossible for you to fail, because how can you fail at being You? You are the perfection of You, because nobody else can be You. You have got You down pat! Do you appreciate that you are an outstanding and total success at being You, right where you are now?

41.If you have ‘needing money’ in your vibration, then you will keep attracting ‘needing money’. You have to find a way of being happy NOW, feeling good NOW, and being in joy NOW, without the money. Once you can feel good NOW, even though you don't have the money, it will come. Make a decision that you are going to do everything you can to be as happy as you can in every moment. You will be amazed at how the Universe will flood so many things into your life that will continue to make you happy - including money.

42.I am asked very often by all types of people how to stop negative thoughts. The answer is so simple: plant good thoughts! As you plant more and more good thoughts, the negative thoughts will be wiped out. Don’t focus on the negative thoughts, just deliberately think more good thoughts every day.

43.The Universe wants to give you so much, if you could just let it in. To let it in, slow down. To let it in, relax. To let it in, unwind. To let it in, be calm. To let it in, let go. You are now letting it in.

44.Praise and bless everything in the world, and you will dissolve negativity and discord and align yourself with the highest frequency – love.

45.You do not have to erase negative thoughts you have had. All you have to do is feel good and think good thoughts right now, and you will shift yourself to a completely different frequency where no negativity exists. No matter what you have thought in the past, whether ten years ago or one minute ago, NOW is where all your power is. Right NOW you can use your power and shift yourself. When you know this, you can move through your life without fear or regrets, because you can always think good thoughts NOW.

46.So what are you feeling now? Take a few moments to think about how you feel. If you’re not feeling as good as you’d like to, focus on feeling your feelings inside and purposefully lift them. As you focus intensely on your feelings, with the intention to lift yourself, you can powerfully elevate them. One way is to close your eyes (shutting out distractions). Focus on your feelings inside, and smile for one minute.

47.Remind your children constantly, through your words, that they are unlimited – that they can have anything, do anything, and be anything they want. Remind them to speak of what they want and to focus on that. When they say they don’t want something, ask them what they do want. Always bring them back to what they want. Embrace each of your children as the unique being that they are, and rejoice in their freedom to express themselves. Allow them to learn their own lessons, and know within yourself that everything is unfolding for them perfectly.

48.The earth turns on its orbit for you. The oceans ebb and flow for you. The birds sing for you. The sun rises and it sets for you. The stars come out for you. Every beautiful thing you see, every wondrous thing you experience, is all there, for you. Take a look around. None of it can exist, without you. No matter who you thought you were, now you know the Truth of Who You Really Are. You are the master of the Universe. You are the heir to the kingdom. You are the perfection of Life. And now you know The Secret. May the joy be with you.

49.Human beings are made up of two things; their beliefs and the truth. When you let go of your beliefs, you will see more of the truth. The greatest human beings who have ever lived, had the courage to let go of beliefs, and they became the truth. They showed us the way.

50.The truth is that the Universe has been answering you all of your life, but you cannot receive the answers unless you are aware. Be aware of everything around you, because you are receiving the answers to your questions in every moment of the day. The channels those answers can come through are unlimited. They could be delivered in the form of a newspaper headline that attracts your attention, or overhearing someone speaking, or a song on the radio, or signage on a truck passing by, or receiving a sudden inspiration. Remember to remember, and become aware.

51.Action is a word that can imply “work” to some people, but inspired action will not feel like work at all. The difference between inspired action and action is this: Inspired action is where you are acting to receive. If you are in action to try and make it happen, you have slipped backward. Inspired action is effortless, and it feels wonderful because you are on the frequency of receiving.

52.The only way we can feel love is through our heart, and so the most powerful way to maximize our positive feelings is also through our heart. As we deliberately intensify our feelings through our heart, we are connecting ourselves to the Supreme Love, Power, and Wisdom that is the Universe. The Universe is continually making everything we want available to us, and our heart tunes us into the frequency of it all.

53.It is the joy within that creates a magnificent life on the outside. It doesn’t matter where you are, what you are doing, who you are with, or what is happening around you, you take the joy with you.

54.Can you consider for just a moment that there are wonderful things ahead for you? Can you put total trust and faith in the Universe and know you are so loved and that everything that happens is all happening FOR you? Because that is absolutely the case.

55.You can turn waiting into a powerful time to create your future life. Next time you are in a situation where you are waiting, seize that time and imagine having all the things you want. You can do this anywhere, anytime. Turn every life situation into a positive one.

56.The easiest way to transform every aspect of your life on the outside is to dedicate yourself to feeling more and more gratitude every day within you. Whenever you think of it, feel deep feelings of gratitude. Intensify the feelings with the love in your heart, and through the law of attraction your life will be transformed into the beauty that you have become on the inside.

57.If some situation occurs that affects your state of joy, repeat to yourself, “All good is coming from this situation.” And it will. Learn from each experience. You will find after experiencing a challenging situation, your level of joy will be higher than it has ever been before. Isn’t that a good thing?

58.There is not a single instance in history where hate has brought joy to human beings. It is a negative force that serves only to destroy those who hold it in their mind and body. If the majority of humanity released all hate, fear, and resentment, wars would disappear from our planet.

59.We are each creating our lives through our thoughts and feelings, and so you cannot hold yourself responsible for someone else’s happiness. It is impossible for you to be responsible for anybody else, because you cannot jump inside someone else and think and feel for them Focus on your joy, and be an inspiration to everyone around you.

60.When you are in complete harmony with the Universe, which is all good, then you have tapped into the greatest power there is to support you. To harmonize yourself with the Universe and allow all good to flood into your life, speak good words, plant good thoughts, and generate good feelings.

61.To become more aware of your thoughts you can set the intention “I am the master of my thoughts.” Say it often, give thanks for it being done, and as you hold to it emphatically, by the law of attraction you must become that.

62.We are not able to see the bigger picture of our lives, but the Universe or the Creative Power can see it all. Sometimes we think that something is right for us, but when it doesn’t unfold the way we thought, have faith in the Universe that it is matching up all of our inner desires and marrying them into every aspect of our lives.

63.Unless you fill yourself up first, you have nothing to give anybody. Therefore it is imperative that you tend to you first. Attend to your joy first. People are responsible for their own joy. When you tend to your joy and do what makes you feel good, you are a joy to be around and you are a shining example to every child and every person in your life. When you are feeling joy you don’t even have to think about giving. It is a natural overflow.

64.There is a huge difference between inspired action and busying yourself with activity in trying to make things happen. When you are busying yourself with activity because you don’t believe the Universe is working with you, everything is hard and feels like a struggle. You feel as though you are pushing against the current of the river and getting nowhere. You feel exhausted, things begin to go wrong, and it feels like nothing is going your way. But when you are working consciously with the intelligence of the Universe, everything is effortless. All your needs to accomplish your vision are met, and you are in a flow that is indescribable.

65.If you are feeling really good, negative thoughts and words are not on the same frequency as you, so you don’t even have to try to stop them because all good things just pour out of you. So, the fastest way to be more positive is to watch how you are feeling, rather than trying to monitor your thoughts and words. You are the only one who has control of your feelings, so start to get in touch with how you are feeling, and then deliberately focus on intensifying a good feeling within you.

66.You only have to tip the balance of your thoughts and feelings to positive to dramatically transform your life. You do not have to make every thought and word positive. As you tip the balance to positive, law of attraction is right there helping you, because like thoughts attract like thoughts. When you are having good thoughts you are on the frequency of attracting more good thoughts. Of course when you are having bad thoughts you will attract more bad thoughts, so at those times it is important to distract yourself and think of something that makes you feel good.

67.Live your dream in your heart and let the Universe move everything to bring your dream to you. Feel your dream, feel the presence of the Universe inside you, KNOW that the Universe is with you, guiding you, and then allow the Universe to realize your dream.

68.As you become more and more aware of how you are feeling, you will become more aware of your words and thoughts. It gets easier and easier. And so you when you hear yourself say something you don’t want, just restate what it is you do want. For example, a common thing that people say is, “I am tired”. If you say that with the whole day ahead of you, you are ordering up from the universe a tough day full of fatigue. So I would change those words to something like, “I am now drawing in unlimited energy. I am feeling more energized with every second. I feel amazing.” All of your power with the law of attraction is now, and by intensely feeling what you want, you can change anything.

69.A shift to dominant thoughts and feelings of love and gratitude is the answer for all unwanted things. Negativity in any form cannot exist in an energy field of love and gratitude.

70.Every night before you go to sleep, give sincere thanks for the day. Then intend your next day to be joyous, effortless, and wonderful. On waking in the morning, confirm your intention that your day will be magnificent! As you are creating every one of your days, if you don’t intend your day in advance then you are handing it over to the whims and energies of mass consciousness. Don’t put your day in the hands of others - create your own magnificent day.

71.We are One. We are all connected and we are all part of the One Energy Field, or the One Supreme Mind, or the One Consciousness, or the One Creative Source. Call it whatever you want, but we are all One. As you think negative thoughts about another you are separating yourself from the One, and your negative thoughts will return to harm only You. You have been given free will to choose, but when you think negative thoughts and have negative feelings, you are separating yourself from the One and All Good.

72.No matter what you have manifested in regards to your body, you can change it – inside and out. Start thinking happy thoughts and start being happy. Happiness is a feeling state of being. You have your finger on the “feeling happy” button. Press it now and keep your finger pressed down on it firmly, no matter what is happening around you.

73.Fear is the most debilitating emotion that there is, and every one of us can live a life without fear. The key to absolute freedom and joy for each and every one of us is to let go of fear. When you understand that fear puts you on a frequency of attracting more fearful events and circumstances into your life, you will understand how important it is to shift yourself. People are in fear of being late, of losing their job, of paying the bills, of getting sick, and the list goes on. But the fear of those things is actually summoning them to us. Law of attraction is impersonal, and whatever we focus on with feeling is bringing it to us. When fearful thoughts come, stamp them out immediately. Send them on their way and replace them with anything that makes you feel good.

74.Begin to use the two most powerful words, I AM, to your advantage. How about, “I AM receiving every good thing. I AM happy. I AM abundant. I AM healthy. I AM love. I AM always on time. I AM eternal youth. I AM filled with energy every single day.”

75.Every single person deserves to live a wonderful life, and they have the power to do that through the law of attraction. When you tend to your happiness and joy, something wonderful happens. You begin to overflow with joy, and every single person that you come into contact with is touched by your joy. One person in joy brings so much joy to the world through the magnificent matrix of our Universe. The power within each of us is unfathomable when focused in the direction of all good for all.

76.You have a choice right now. Do you want to believe that it’s just the luck of the draw and bad things can happen to you at any time? Do you want to believe that you can be in the wrong place at the wrong time? That you have no control over circumstances? Or do you want to believe and know that your life experience is in your hands and that only all good can come into your life because that of the way you think? You have a choice, and whatever you choose to think will become your life experience.

77.A powerful way to attract money is to start to give. Give wherever you can. It does not have to be money, but if you can even give one dollar it starts the flow of money. You can give in many other ways which are equally powerful. Give love and appreciation to people. Give gratitude for what you have. Give a helping hand, a kind gesture, a smile, and the best of yourself to everyone you meet. As you take action through sincere giving, the law of attraction will respond and you will be given to in every area of your life through people, circumstances, and events. You cannot trick the law of attraction. Your giving must be sincere and you must feel it in your heart.

78.Any time you look at yourself with critical eyes, switch your focus immediately to the presence within, and its perfection will reveal itself to you. As you do this, all imperfections that have manifested in your life will dissolve, because imperfections cannot exist in the light of this presence. Whether you want to regain perfect eyesight, dissolve disease and restore will-being, turn poverty into abundance, reverse aging and degeneration, or eradicate any negativity, focus on and love the presence within you and perfection will manifest.


Uang adalah energi magnetik. Anda adalah magnet menarik kepada Anda semua hal, melalui sinyal Anda memancarkan melalui pikiran dan perasaan Anda.

Untuk menjadi magnet uang kuat:


Jadilah yang jelas tentang jumlah uang yang ingin Anda terima. Negara itu dan berniat itu! Jangan berpikir tentang berapa banyak Anda bisa mendapatkan, namun seberapa banyak Anda ingin menerima.

Jatuh cinta dengan uang. Kebanyakan orang tidak mencintai uang, karena mereka selalu merasa bahwa mereka tidak memiliki cukup itu.

Visualisasikan dan bayangkan diri Anda menghabiskan semua uang yang Anda inginkan, seolah-olah Anda sudah memilikinya.

Berbicara, bertindak, dan berpikir dari pola pikir yang kaya sekarang. Hilangkan pikiran dan kata-kata kurang seperti "Saya tidak mampu", "Itu terlalu mahal".

Jangan berbicara atau berpikir tentang kekurangan uang untuk kedua tunggal.

Bersyukurlah atas uang yang Anda miliki. Menghargai sebagai Anda menyentuhnya.

Buatlah daftar semua hal yang Anda akan membeli dengan kelimpahan uang.

Lakukan apa yang diperlukan bagi Anda untuk merasa kaya.

Tegaskan kepada diri sendiri setiap hari bahwa Anda memiliki kelimpahan uang, dan bahwa ia datang kepada Anda dengan mudah.

Menghargai semua kekayaan sekitar Anda, termasuk kekayaan orang lain. Carilah kekayaan manapun Anda pergi, dan menghargainya.

Pastikan bahwa uang akan datang kepada Anda.

Mencintai diri sendiri dan tahu bahwa Anda layak dan layak kelimpahan uang.

Ingatkan diri Anda setiap hari bahwa Anda adalah magnet uang, dan tanyakan pada diri Anda sering di siang hari, saya menarik uang sekarang atau mendorongnya pergi dengan pikiran saya?

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

7 Secrets Facts You Might Not Know:

7 Secrets Facts You Might Not Know: The Moving away from the EarthThe moon's orbit as wide, approximately 3.8 cm per year. (Radius of the Moon's orbit about 384,000 miles). This is because the moon causes the tide on Earth. Because the Earth-facing side of the Moon is closer, then the pull of gravity becomes stronger than the center of the earth, the same applies to the side of the moon away from Earth when compared to Earth's center. This effect will stretch a little earth, and make it a little flat. An estimated 15 billion years more days on earth will be 55 days old, not 30 anymore, according to the time it takes for the moon circling the Earth.
2.Hujan Animals From HeavenAn animal Rain has become a relatively common meteorological phenomenon, reported in various parts of the world. Animals such as falling from the sky in a rainfall are fish and frogs. Sometimes the animals that fell still alive, suggesting that the extraction period and the actual drop. Several witnesses described the animals as startled, though healthy, and relatively normal after the incident. In some instances, the animal fell dead in a frozen state and, even there are still trapped in a block of ice. Evidence of how strong the power of weather to bring them to a height below zero degrees.
3.Jagad Kingdom Has Beige ColorCosmic Latte is the color of the universe, according to the team of astronomers from Johns Hopkins University in 2001, Karl Glazebrook and Ivan Baldry determine the color of the universe is greenish white, but they soon corrected their analysis in "The 2dF Galaxy redshift survey: constraints on cosmic star-formation history from the cosmic spectrum "which was published in 2002. In this essay they reported that the survey is the color of the light in the universe produces a white slightly beige color (abu2 slightly yellow). The survey included more than 200,000 galaxies and measure the spectral range of light from a large universe. Hex RGB color value for Cosmic Latte is # FFF8E7. In an article in the Washington Post, the color in the show. Glazebrook joked that he was looking for suggestions to name the new color. Some people who read it to send suggestions, and "Cosmic Latte" which is then selected.
Derived from the Navel 4.Gumpalan LingerieMany people find that at the beginning or the end of the day, small clumps fill the navel cavity. The reason of this is already the subject of speculation for many years until in 2001, Dr. Karl Kruszelnicki of the University of Sydney, Australia conduct a systematic survey to determine the ins and outs of clots in the navel. The main findings are as follows: Navel lint consists of fibers that originate clothes, mixed with dead skin cells and body hair. Dead cells is what causes bad odors.
Contrary to expectations, these clots moving upwards from underwear rather than downwards from the clothes worn. The process of moving is the result of the friction body hair on underwear, which brings the remaining fibers upward toward the navel cavity. Women rarely experience this because the hair on their bodies quite a bit. Instead a more old men experience it more often because her skin is rough and a lot of hair. Characteristics of the gray-blue-colored blobs generated from the average color of the fiber fabric, but its existence is not dangerous.
Flies 5.Larva Helps Heal Wounds FasterFirst, some doctors noticed that soldiers who are maggots in the wound heal faster than those without. Maggots eat the dead skin cells and bacteria. Maggot Therapy (also known as Maggot Debridement Therapy-MDT, larval therapy) is deliberately put disinfectant maggots or fly larvae into skin lesions or soft tissue injury in humans or animals. This practice was widely used before the discovery of antibiotics, to clean up dead tissue in order to accelerate wound healing.
Sea 6.Kuda Males Can PregnantSeahorse reproduce in an unusual way: The male is pregnant. Pipefishes and seahorse species in the animal world is experiencing "male pregnancy". Kudalaut Males have a bag of seed that is used to store eggs that the female is given. When mating they are wrapping the tail and the female insert a long tube called the ovipositor into the male's seed Katong. The eggs to flow through the tube into the bag of seeds where they are fertilized later.
Embryos develop for 10 days to 6 weeks, depending on species and water conditions. When the male gives birth he pumps his tail until the baby kudalaut out. Kudalaut male pouch also regulate salt levels, with slowly increasing levels of salt in the bag to fit the external environment when the eggs mature. Eggs that hatch are not dependent on the parent. Some develop together with plankton. Sometimes even eat the eggs the male parent of a new birth. Other species (H. zosterae) when hatching started living as benthos.
Can Explode Natural 7.Binatang.Naturally Exploding animals can occur for many reasons. In 2004, the collection of gas in the dead sperm whale, measuring 17 meters long and 50 tons of weight, resulting in an explosion in Taiwan. The explosion reportedly spraying blood and whale entrails scattered around the patio store, witnesses and cars. Quite a lot of frog populations in Germany and Denmark exploded in April 2005 on the action which is described as a defense mechanism that failed, the frogs ktika inflating themselves to look bigger when attacked by crows.
Kebiasaan ini akan membuat kita semakin kaya :

1. Kebiasaan mengucap syukur
Ini adalah kebiasaan istimewa yang bisa mengubah hidup selalu menjadi lebih baik. Bahkan agama mendorong kita bersyukur tidak saja untuk hal-hal yang baik, tapi juga dalam kesussahan dan hari-hari yang buruk. Ada rahasia besar di balik ucapan syukur yang sudah terbukti sepanjang sejarah. Hellen Keller yang buta dan tuli sejak usia dua tahun, telah menjadi orang yang terkenal dan dikagumi di seluruh dunia. Salah satu ucapannya yang banyak memotivasi orang adalah, “Aku bersyukur atas cacat-cacat ini, aku menemukan diriku, pekerjaanku dan Tuhanku”. Memang sulit untuk bersyukur, namun kita bisa belajar secara bertahap. Mulailah mensyukuri kehidupan, mensyukuri berkat, kesehatan, keluarga, sahabat, dan sebagainya. Lama kelamaan Anda bahkan bisa bersyukur atas kesusahan dan situasi yang buruk.

2. Kebiasaan berpikir positif
Hidup kita dibentuk oleh apa yang paling sering kita pikirkan. Kalau selalu berpikiran positif, kita cenderung menjadi pribadi yang yang positif. Ciri-ciri dari pikiran yang positif selalu mengarah kepada kebenaran, kebaikan, kasih sayang, harapan dan suka cita. Sering-seringlah memantau apa yang sedang Anda pikirkan. Kalau Anda terbenam dalam pikiran negatif, kendalikanlah segera ke arah yang positif. Jadikanlah berpikir positif sebagai kebiasaan dan lihatlah betapa banyak hal-hal positif sebagai kebiasaan dan lihatlah betapa banyak hal-hal positif yang akan Anda alami.

3. Kebiasaan berempati
Kemampuan berhubungan dengan orang lain merupakan kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh banyak orang sukses. Dan salah satu unsur penting dalam berhubungan dengan orang lain adalah empati, kemampuan atau kepekaan untuk memandang dari sudut pandang orang lain. Orang yang empati bahkan bisa merasakan perasaan orang lain, mengerti keinginannya dan menangkap motif di balik sikap orang lain. Ini berlawanan sekali dengan sikap egois, yang justru menuntut diperhatikan dan dimengerti orang lain. Meskipun tidak semua orang mudah berempati, namun kita bisa belajar dengan membiasakan diri melakukan tindakan-tindakan yang empatik. Misalnya, jadilah pendengar yang baik, belajarlah menempatkan diri pada posisi orang lain, belajarlah melakukan apa yang Anda ingin orang lain lakukan kepada Anda, dan sebagainya.

4. Kebiasaan mendahulukan yang penting
Pikirkanlah apa saja yang paling penting, dan dahulukanlah. Jangan biarkan hidup Anda terjebak dalam hal-hal yang tidak penting sementara hal-hal yang penting terabaikan. Mulailah memilah-milah mana yang penting dan mana yg tidak, kebiasaan mendahulukan yang penting akan membuat hidup Anda efektif dan produktif dan meningkatkan citra diri Anda secara signifikan.

5. Kebiasaan bertindak
Bila Anda sudah mempunyai pengetahuan, sudah mempunyai tujuan yang hendak dicapai dan sudah mempunyai kesadaran mengenai apa yang harus dilakukan, maka langkah selanjutnya adalah bertindak. Biasakan untuk mengahargai waktu, lawanlah rasa malas dengan bersikap aktif. Banyak orang yang gagal dalam hidup karena hanya mempunyai impian dan hanya mempunyai tujuan tapi tak mau melangkah.

6. Kebiasaan menabur benih
Prinsip tabur benih ini berlaku dalam kehidupan. Pada waktunya Anda akan menuai yang Anda tabur. Bayangkanlah, betapa kayanya hidup Anda bila Anda selalu menebar benih ‘kebaikan’. Tapi sebaliknya, betapa miskinnya Anda bila rajin menabur keburukan.

7. Kebiasaan hidup jujur
Tanpa kejujuran, kita tidak bisa menjadi pribadi yang utuh, bahkan bisa merusak harga diri dan masa depan Anda sendiri. Mulailah membiasakan diri bersikap jujur, tidak saja kepada diri sendiri tapi juga terhadap orang lain. Mulailah mengatakan kebenaran, meskipun mengandung resiko. Bila Anda berbohong, kendalikanlah kebohongan Anda sedikit demi sedikit.


Neil Amstrong telah membuktikan bahwa kota Mekah adalah pusat dari planet Bumi. Fakta ini telah di diteliti melalui sebuah penelitian Ilmiah.

Ketika Neil Amstrong untuk pertama kalinya melakukan perjalanan ke luar angkasa dan mengambil gambar planet Bumi, dia berkata, “Planet Bumi ternyata menggantung di area yang sangat gelap, siapa yang menggantungnya ?.”

Para astronot telah menemukan bahwa planet Bumi itu mengeluarkan semacam radiasi, secara resmi mereka mengumumkannya di Internet, tetapi sayang nya 21 hari kemudian website tersebut raib yang sepertinya ada alasan tersembunyi dibalik penghapusan website tersebut.

Setelah melakukan penelitian lebih lanjut, ternyata radiasi tersebut berpusat di kota Mekah, tepatnya berasal dari Ka’Bah. Yang mengejutkan adalah radiasi tersebut bersifat infinite ( tidak berujung ), hal ini terbuktikan ketika mereka mengambil foto planet Mars, radiasi tersebut masih berlanjut terus. Para peneliti Muslim mempercayai bahwa radiasi ini memiliki karakteristik dan menghubungkan antara Ka’Bah di planet Bumi dengan Ka’bah di alam akhirat.

Di tengah-tengah antara kutub utara dan kutub selatan, ada suatu area yang bernama ‘Zero Magnetism Area’, artinya adalah apabila kita mengeluarkan kompas di area tersebut, maka jarum kompas tersebut tidak akan bergerak sama sekali karena daya tarik yang sama besarnya antara kedua kutub.

Itulah sebabnya jika seseorang tinggal di Mekah, maka ia akan hidup lebih lama, lebih sehat, dan tidak banyak dipengaruhi oleh banyak kekuatan gravitasi. Oleh sebab itu lah ketika kita mengelilingi Ka’Bah, maka seakan-akan diri kita di-charged ulang oleh suatu energi misterius dan ini adalah fakta yang telah dibuktikan secara ilmiah.

Penelitian lainnya mengungkapkan bahwa batu Hajar Aswad merupakan batu tertua di dunia dan juga bisa mengambang di air. Di sebuah musium di negara Inggris, ada tiga buah potongan batu tersebut ( dari Ka’Bah ) dan pihak musium juga mengatakan bahwa bongkahan batu-batu tersebut bukan berasal dari sistem tata surya kita.

Dalam salah satu sabdanya, Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
Hajar Aswad itu diturunkan dari surga, warnanya lebih putih daripada susu, dan dosa-dosa anak cucu Adamlah yang menjadikannya hitam.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Hal-hal yg harus anda ketahui tentang kehidupan

Halo sobat semut creative kali ini saya akan berbagi tentang hal-hal kehidupan yang harus anda ketahui agar kita semua punya pandangan kedepan agar tidak salah langkah, langsung aja kita ke kepembahasan :
1.Di mana pun Anda pergi, siapa pun yang Anda temui, dan apa pun yang Anda lakukan, memberikan cinta dan penghargaan, karena itulah sifat sejati Anda. Bagaimana Anda tahu itu adalah sifat sejati Anda? Anda merasa sangat baik bila Anda memberikan!
2 satunya cara kita bisa merasakan kasih adalah melalui hati kita, sehingga cara yang paling ampuh untuk memaksimalkan perasaan positif kita juga melalui hati kita. Seperti yang kita sengaja mengintensifkan perasaan kita melalui hati kita, kita menghubungkan diri pada Cinta Agung, Power, dan Kebijaksanaan yang Semesta. Semesta terus membuat segala sesuatu yang kita inginkan tersedia bagi kita, dan hati kita lagu-lagu kita ke frekuensi semuanya.
3.anda mempertimbangkan untuk sesaat bahwa ada hal-hal yang indah ke depan untuk Anda? Dapatkah anda menaruh kepercayaan total dan iman di alam semesta dan tahu kau begitu dicintai dan bahwa segala sesuatu yang terjadi adalah semua terjadi UNTUK Anda? Karena benar-benar terjadi.
4.Ini adalah kegembiraan dalam yang menciptakan kehidupan yang megah di luar. Tidak masalah dimana anda berada, apa yang Anda lakukan, siapa Anda dengan, atau apa yang terjadi di sekitar Anda, Anda mengambil sukacita dengan Anda.
5.Anda tidak perlu untuk menghapus pikiran negatif yang Anda miliki. Yang harus Anda lakukan adalah merasa baik dan berpikir pikiran yang baik sekarang, dan Anda akan beralih diri Anda dengan frekuensi yang sama sekali berbeda di mana negatif tidak ada. Tidak peduli apa yang Anda pikirkan di masa lalu, apakah sepuluh tahun yang lalu atau satu menit yang lalu, SEKARANG adalah di mana semua kekuatan Anda. Hak SEKARANG Anda dapat menggunakan kekuatan Anda dan shift sendiri. Ketika Anda tahu ini, Anda dapat memindahkan melalui hidup Anda tanpa rasa takut atau menyesal, karena Anda selalu bisa memikirkan pikiran yang baik SEKARANG.
Baca secara fonetik
6.Cara termudah untuk mentransformasikan setiap aspek kehidupan Anda di luar adalah untuk mendedikasikan diri untuk merasa bersyukur lebih dan lebih setiap hari dalam diri Anda. Setiap kali Anda pikirkan, rasakan perasaan syukur yang mendalam. Mengintensifkan perasaan dengan cinta dalam hati Anda, dan melalui hukum tarik-menarik kehidupan Anda akan berubah menjadi keindahan yang Anda telah menjadi di dalam.
7.Jika situasi beberapa terjadi yang mempengaruhi negara Anda sukacita, ulangi pada diri sendiri, "Semua yang baik datang dari situasi ini." Dan itu akan. Belajar dari pengalaman masing-masing. Anda akan menemukan setelah mengalami situasi yang menantang, tingkat Anda sukacita akan lebih tinggi daripada yang pernah sebelumnya. Bukankah itu hal yang baik?
Baca secara fonetik
8.Dapatkah Anda mempertimbangkan untuk sesaat bahwa ada hal-hal yang indah ke depan untuk Anda? Dapatkah anda menaruh kepercayaan total dan iman di alam semesta dan tahu kau begitu dicintai dan bahwa segala sesuatu yang terjadi adalah semua terjadi UNTUK Anda? Karena benar-benar terjadi.

Demikian pembahasan saya tentang hal-hal yang perlu kita ketahui dalam kehidupan yg perlu kita ketahui, semoga bermanfaat untuk kita semua

Sunday, 2 May 2010

out door
model : ADIZ.



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